Get another source of income and work whenever and wherever you want

We will handle all the administration, payments, invoicing and planning for you

We provide all client services and marketing. Just offer you free dates. This will allow you to fully help people.

We will provide you with additional clients and income

At Hedepy, we believe that therapy should not be the last option when things get really bad. That’s why we invest in marketing and help people break down the fear of trying therapy. That’s one of the reasons why we can get dozens of clients for you.

To participate on Hedepy, it is necessary to meet some criteria

We ensure that our clients receive the best possible and fully qualified care. Therefore, our psychotherapists are only those who belong to any of these categories:

  • Psychotherapists with completed training meeting the criteria of professional organizations (ČAPČPtS, EAP).

  • Psychotherapists in training meeting the criteria of professional organizations

  • Psychotherapists who are members of professional organizations (ČAPČPtS, EAP).

Anywhere, anytime

Researches show that online therapy is as effective as the in-person therapy

According to recent studies, the effectiveness of online therapy is comparable to in-person psychotherapy.1 Clients accept it as a practical form of receiving psychotherapeutic services.2
(Barak, Hen, Boniel-Nissim, & Shapira, 2008)
(Andrews et al., 2018)
The call is secured by the same technology used by Google. No one but you and your client will hear you.

Sounds good?
We will be happy to explain all the details to you by phone, video call or in person.

  1. We will email you all the details regarding the rewards and features of the platform.

  2. We will introduce you to the platform and its functionality in person or via video call.