In Czech Republic there are 3 000 000 individuals who suffer from mental health problems.

Only one third seek out help,
the remaining 2 000 000 are facing their problems alone.1 We would like to change that.

We believe that psychotherapy helps individuals improve their mental health

Maybe you feel that you do not know the difference between a psychologist, therapist and psychiatrist. Maybe inside you are suffering and you do not know who to talk to. Or maybe you think that therapy isn’t for you, that it is a last resort. At Hedepy we believe that psychotherapy in 21st century can help individuals improve  their mental health. You don’t have to face it alone, no matter where you may be.

We use technology to make the path to psychotherapy easier.

We are enabling psychotherapy to be:

  • Quality, conducted only by certified experts.
  • Comfortable and accessible from anywhere using online video calls.
  • Transparent, allowing you to meet your therapist before you pay for a session.
  • Intimate and confidential.
  • Instantly accessible because no one should have to wait to receive help.
  • Without any stress of the outcome. We will refund your money after the first session if you are not satisfied.
Our team

We are combining experts on therapy with technology experts

so we can adapt psychotherapy to the 21st century.

Mgr. Lukáš Krčil


In the last years I’ve been around the world of business and marketing. Often I see around me sad and suffering people, who don’t know where to reach out. That’s why we decided to build Hedepy, a platform that will help you make your path to psychotherapy easier, wherever you are. Do you have a similar goal, or would you like to join us? Get in touch.
+420 607 190 757

Mgr. Žaneta Krčilová

Community manager

My task is to ensure that therapists like it at Hedepy, that they feel supported and comfortable. I studied psychology and I’ve been taking interest in related topics for more than 10 years. My wish since childhood has been to help people and with Hedepy I feel like we are doing just that. Contact me if you will find yourself in need of a therapist recommendation and if you are a therapist who wants to join us, write to me straight away.
+420 777 723 130

Bc. Martin Zdražil

Marketing director

At Hedepy, I focus mainly on communication. In short, I’m trying to let people know that we are offering an useful service, which can help them escape their troubles. I started in marketing 10 years ago, I was raring to go, but I soon crashed and experienced burnout. I enjoy Hedepy because it can help people in situations such as mine.

Roman Zámečník

Product manager

My main mission is to make Hedepy comfortable to use for everyone. I know that there is always something that needs improvement and I’m looking forward to all the upgrades we are preparing. But even right now it makes me happy to see people who don’t have to wait weeks to meet with a therapist or who decided to try psychotherapy because of Hedepy. I would be glad if you sent me any feedback or ideas on how to make Hedepy even better.
+420 723 848 493

Hedepy is created with the team of experts on psychology and psychoherapy,

who help us work with scientifically proven data.

Hedepy s. r. o.

V Tišině 474/3, Dejvice,
160 00 Praha 6
+420 771 123 001

IČ: 09206281
DIČ: CZ09206281

Our company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 332559 / MSPH.